Sometimes you have a favourite song that you just feel “that must be a single!” but it may be that it does not reflect the feel of the album as good as it may be so you have to think quite hard about what grabs the listener first off and showcases all the hard work you have done with everyone involved.

With this album it was always quite clear what the single choices would be after we had recorded the first vocal take. It’s just a feeling you get that everything has come together.

The big dilemma was having decided months in advance we would release four it was the a question of what order. I knew what the top two were but and it could have been either to kick off with but I decided the title track was the best to release first as it was the perfect summer track and it would also make the sense from a promotional point of view being the album name too. The order they drop is not about a preference as single four is strong enough to be the first, but about bringing all the months work together in a three minute slice of radio heaven. Even if I do say so myself!
